Herb Cohen, Founder/Host of Executive Leaders Radio, is an accomplished entrepreneur, having founded the 800-THE-PROS Marketing Management Company, the Pennsylvania Private Investors Group and QuiqMeds. He co-founded Temple University's Center for the Advancement & Study of Entrepreneurship, University of Pennsylvania's Wharton Entrepreneurial Network & Fairleigh Dickinson University's Entrepreneurial Center and was asked to assist in the formation of Drexel University, Immaculata University and University of Maryland’s Entrepreneurial Centers. These and other Universities want substantial CEOs involved in several primary activities: speaking in the classroom and mentoring students. Additionally, each University does develop their own specialized activities to engage the CEO with the students, faculty, administration and charitable giving departments. The students learn about the real world and students may get jobs.
Our passion is connecting CEOs with students to match the classroom with reality.
Because nobody meets more CEOs than ELR (800+ a year, typically running businesses of $10m+)! We ask our guests in the greenroom if they are interested in becoming involved with our Universities and the resounding answer is "Yes, I would love to!". In addition, in many cases, our cohosts offer to conduct Profiles in Success with our past Guests!”
Thom Collins
Barnes Foundation
Shelley Boyce
President and CEO
MedRisk Inc
Martin Connor
Toll Brothers, Inc.
Kathleen Poorbaugh
Homes, Lowry, Horn & Johnson, Ltd.
Andrew Woessner
President & CEO
Telogical Systems
Ric Pohland
President & COO
American Security Programs
I greatly enjoyed my visit with you and your associates. The broadcast was an unforgettable experience and I was delighted to, meet so many interesting new friends.
It was a very enjoyable experience, and I really appreciate the invitation. I met some nice and interesting people that may lead to follow-up opportunities. I look forward to hearing the broadcast.